Keeping sane in the chaos

New year, new calendar, and time to start thinking about what’s in store.

For lots of us, January is all about hitting the beach or watching the tennis before we get onto setting ourselves up for the year ahead.

In February, things get back into routine. Work gets serious, fitness plans spring into action. We could score a Valentine’s Day date, (and for me, a lot of travel is booked!)

March could be about birthdays, engagement parties, and if you’re like me, getting pumped as football season kicks off.

April is Easter getaways, and maybe the last weddings before winter.

Throw in some baby showers, farewell parties, welcome back parties, Hens and Bucks events, spring carnivals, and more, and suddenly, we’re back to Christmas, New Years’ Eve, and then we rinse and repeat.

There’s always something on the agenda screaming out for our time and money — and I’ve only talked about work and socialising.

Think of all the other things that we juggle every year — family commitments, tax returns, paying our health insurance, car insurance, car registration, rates, and body corporate fees. Healthcare appointments, shopping, washing, and more and more.

So how do we keep a sense of peace amid the chaos — especially when it comes to things that aren’t meaningful to us?

Plan ahead

I love the serenity prayer. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

In 2019, let’s positively impact the things that we can change. And organise our shit for the things that we can’t change but have to do (insurances, tax and body corporate, I’m looking at you).

As the example above showed, so much in our year is on repeat. Your best friend’s birthday is on the same day every year. Your car rego is due on the same day. Your work usually gets busy at around the same time.

This predictability means we can get on the front foot and commit to the things that matter to us, and have the confidence to say “no” to other things that don’t.

On the money side, we can take away burdens by automating bills, and saving a small amount each week for those upcoming birthday, wedding and baby shower gifts we know about.

We can build up a buffer from which we can draw on for those lumpy charges like our rego and rates and take away the stress.

It won’t slow down

Life isn’t going to stop getting busy, and those annual bills will only get higher. But we can take control because we know so much of what’s ahead.

I’ve made peace with having a full life as I’ve put in place some of these fundamentals to get on top of it.

What can you do to find a sense of peace in the busyness, so that you can direct your time and money to the things you value?

If you want help to align your time, energy and finances, get in touch at

Rebecca PritchardComment